, 808
+, 820
Cdk-4, 611
Celecoxib, 207, 393
Celiac disease, 218, 917
Cell membrane glycoproteins, 143
Cell proliferation: oncogenes
regulation of, 609
Cell receptors, 820
Cell surface receptors, 713
Cell(s), 760
growth, 64
labile, 179
constituents of, 156, 168
permanent, 179
respiration, 247
stable, 179
Cell-cell adhesion, 143
Cell-cell recognition, 143
abundance of, 148
/S-linkages, 148
Central core storage disease, 478
Central dogma, 563
Central dogma (of molecular biology), 563
Central nervous system, 335, 799
Central obesity, 756
Centroacinar cells, 202
Cephalic phase, 198
Cephalins (phosphatidylethanolamines),
Cephalosporins, 188, 327
Cerebellar syndrome, 270
Cerebral, 535
Cerebral calcification, 9
Cerebroglycan, 322
Cerebrosides, 409
Cerebrospinal fluid, 915
Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis, 417
Cerulein, 203, 208
Ceruloplasmin, 895
2 2 0
2 2 0
2 2 0
2 2 0
Chain elongation, 576, 577
Chain termination, 576
Chain termination mutation, 560
chain of human hemoglobin, 647
Channelopathies, 220, 476
Channelopathies myotonias, 478
Chaperone proteins, 581
2 2 2
Chaperonins (molecular chaperones),
60, 564
Charcot-Marie tooth, 535
Charged tRNA, 574
se e
coronary heart disease
Cheilosis, 916
Chelating agents, 36
Chelation, 32
Chemical hypothesis, 257
Chemical kinetics, 75
Chemiluminescence, 305
Chemiluminescence immunoassay,
s e e
Chemiosmosis, 261
Chemiosmotic hypothesis, 258
Chemomechanical transduction, 453, 467
Chemosensory disorders, 146
Chemosensory perceptions, 146
Chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA), 201, 426
Chief cells, 198
risk of preterm delivery, 162
Childhood adrenoleukodystrophy, 372
Chitin, 148
C h la m yd ia p n eu m o n ia e,
Chloramphenicol, 583
Chlorates, 673
Chloride, 934
concentration in sweat, 219
, 656
sweat test,
2 2 1
2 2 0
4-chloro-7-nitrobenzofurazan, 259
Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), 880
Cholecystokinin (CCK), 25, 200-202, 203,
208, 496, 702, 714
Cholecystokininoctapeptide (CCK-
), 734
Cholelithiasis, 426
Cholera, 223, 584, 604
mechanism of toxin,
2 2 1
pancreatic, 224
toxin, 223, 715
Cholestanol (dihydrocholesterol), 414
Cholestasis, 128
Cholesterol, 158, 201, 217, 241, 249, 365,
414, 704
2 2 0
low-density lipoprotein (LDL), 388
removal, role of HDL in, 439
side chain oxidation, 373
synthesis of, 235, 425
utilization of, 421
Cholesterol desmolase, 704
Cholesteryl ester, 202, 365, 429
Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP),
434, 447
Cholestyramine, 449
Cholesterol desmolase, 759
CRH, 701
Caspase-1, 609
Cholic acid, 201
Choline, 927
Cholinergic deficit, 62
Chondroblasts, 173
Chondrocytes, 185
Chondroitin sulfate (CS), 322
Chondronectin, 162
Chorea progressive dementia, 561
Chorionic, 702
Chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), 745
Christmas factor, 843
Christmas factor deficiency, 535
Chromaffin cells, 760
Chromatin, 554
Chromatin fibers, 554
anion and cation exchange, 46
Chromium, 892
Chromosomal organization of the
human /
-globin gene family and
deletions, 664
Chromosome, 19, 21, 61, 62
replication, 554
replication ends, 555
translocation, 610
Chromosome change, 554
Chromosome replication, 554
Chronic alcoholics, 282
Chronic alcoholism, 222
Chronic fatigue syndrome, 600
Chronic granulomatous disease, 271, 305
Chronic infectious disease, 952
Chronic liver disease, 179, 952
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia, 811
Chronic myelogenous leukemia
(CML), 610
Chronic myeloid leukemia, 600,
8 8 6
Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia
(CMML), 554
Chronic obstructive lung disease, 221
Chronic renal disease, 126
Chronic renal insufficiency, 26
Chylomicrons, 218, 429, 434
metabolism of, 435
remnant, 435, 436
Chyme, 199, 208, 214
Chymosin, 198
Chymotrypsin, 54, 103, 106
numbering, 855
Chymotrypsinogen, 110, 202, 214, 579
Chymotryptic activity, 215
Cl inhibitor, 830
CICR, 465
Cigarette smoke, 545
Cilia, 219, 480, 483
Cimetidine, 24, 205
Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, 56
Circularly polarized light, 56
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